The process of creating a documentary film begins by identifying a powerful idea that resonates with the filmmaker. This unique idea is recognized by its ability to provoke an emotional response and a significant impact on the author. The film emerges from a variety of sources: a person, an event, a finding or a reflection. The motivation for transforming this idea into a film can be personal, creative or political, prompting the filmmaker to share his or her unique vision of the world with potential viewers.
Every documentary film is an investigation, a journey in which we explore an unknown place, geographical and/or human, in which we have to immerse ourselves to find the best way to tell that story. At this point, the filmmaker opens up to the real world to get closer to the people he will work with in his film, in whom he will recognize the characters of the story. At the same time, he begins an exhaustive study of the subject to be developed and the search for aesthetic references in order to find a unique and coherent look.
The encounter with the point of view is a fundamental step in the construction of a documentary film. Undoubtedly, it starts from a political being in the world that will serve as a compass or guide to make the decisions that will define the creative process of the film. From here on, we can define a concrete methodology and a device that will undoubtedly help to develop the expressive, narrative, visual and sound resources.
The last stage of this itinerary may involve the development of a preliminary script that allows the filmmaker to face the shooting and editing of his work. In it, the structure of the film is specified, the characters are edited, identifying their relevant characteristics, and the expressive resources to be used are worked on. The writing at this point is always done taking into account the ethical issues implicit in the film, which will condition the choice of stylistic and formal keys.